Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Effective Behavior Chart

Behavior can be a touchy subject, many parents like to avoid. Some have trouble taking constructive criticism or they think it reflects on them as a parent. The best choice I ever made for my child was seeking out a behaviorist and following her every direction. I can still hear her words today "If you don't get a handle on this now, you are both going to be in serious trouble in the future". It conjured up images of my child being 14 whining and throwing a tantrum in the middle of a classroom "Very Scary"! I learned through the process that behavior is not just the typical ones we think of like a tantrum, straight up non compliance to rules, or whining. Many behaviors affect learning and produce inattentiveness such as skin chewing, picking, and scratching or playing with paper or objects during school. This includes all socially unacceptable type behaviors such as stemming, head banging, space invading, or nose picking. My child lived on a changeable behavior chart between the ages of  3 and 8 and I still use one today mainly during the summer months for a different purpose such as chores and independent living skills. "G" is so used to them she likes the structure and reward that they offer. They make her feel comfortable and in control of her own life. At one point my child's room was down to a mattress on the floor. I can tell you that persistence pays off and it takes at least 21 days to start changing a behavior. I will and do use one today anytime a behavior is affecting her life and others in a negative way.

Tools- A large white board and Expo marker
Choose a symbol that relates to your child that will represent success or try again tomorrow such as a smiley or frowny face.
Observe your child at school and at home to determine what behaviors are hindering their meaningful progress both academically and socially. "Hint" This is where you tell the teacher or anyone whom works with your child, "I am not the type of mother whom gets offended by hearing anything negative about my child. I welcome any and all feedback. If I am not aware I cannot change it." My first question was always about specific behaviors. I know what she does well, what I really need to know is where she needed to improve and  a plan to make it happen.
Rate the behaviors. On a scale from one to ten how frequent and how damaging are they to the learning and social process.
Choose two or three of the child's highest level behaviors and write them on the chart. The behaviors must be clear and explained to the child exactly what they are and why we don't do them on a level the child can understand. More can be added as the child gets used to the new system. As the behavior fades you can remove it and add another. A picture can be added if reading and/or comprehension is an issue.
The child gets up and reads the chart daily(set up the expectation).
Do this frequently so that the expectation is always there.  When you see a behavior that is on the chart (if home) take the child over to the board have them read the behavior happening and say "do you want a frowny today?". Frowny means no rewards tonight. Give a warning. If you see it again take the child over to the board "I gave you a warning" put the frowny on the board(in front of the child) and tell them to try again tomorrow. The key is to make the board central. The board now rules your child's and your life. If you are out give the warning and if it persists tell the child when we get home you are getting a frowny.
The chart should have expectations(behaviors) on the left. The days of the week at the top and the rewards at the bottom right EX:
                                     Mon     Tuesday    Wed   Thurs    Fri    Sat
YES, No hair Pulling    :-)            :-)           :-)       :-)
YES, No Skin picking   :-)            :-(           :-(      :-)
YES, No getting upset                                           :-)
when mom asks you to
get ready in the morning. :-)                         :-)      :-)
 Use your words not your :-)                                   :-)
hands to speak
                                  All smiles for the day = Rewards
                                  One frowny= No rewards and try again
                           T.V.    video games  
Make the reward section larger than the rest and they may have all of them available to them for a full day of smile's.
Make reward time after all the days responsibilities are achieved with smile's. You the parent are the key to the success of the chart. The first week your child will be upset, by giving in you are only hurting them and in the long run making their lives more difficult."HINT"All rewards must be withheld until the end of the day. NO MORE IMMEDIATE REWARDS. If it is listed on the chart it can only be given at reward time when earned. The key to choosing the right rewards is  knowing what your child truly loves. It can be anything games, a favorite toy or stuffed animal, cookies etc. This sets them up for a rule most of us live by "Work first then play" First and then is a lesson usually learned in pre-school.Stay strong they will be testing you to see if you will cave and give in. Remember this a way of life change.
Give it 2 to three weeks if you still have non compliance start taking their things away one at a time and put them in a big bag. Tell them one day of all smile's and they can earn one thing out of the bag back.
All and I mean ALL rewards must be withheld thru-out the day.
Expectations must be clear! If they cant picture/understand the exact behavior you are speaking of it is not clear.
Visit the board frequently throughout the day.
When child becomes upset ask your child, Who's in control of you?
Answer obviously "you are" Tell them they are in control of their own behavior and we all must be and why. EX: It makes others uncomfortable when you_ or It keeps you from learning when you_
Let them know we all have behaviors to work on. EX: Mommy had to stop biting her nails etc..... Let them know how you did it!

For certain behaviors an alternative may be given after the warning. Say things like what could you do instead of _? What would be a better choice? Replace the negative with a positive. It may be necessary to provide a visual story of the expected behavior. Some replacements I have used are gum chewing, stress balls, drawing, tugging on shirt, giving light touch to oneself, reading, and the use of a nail file. Find positive replacements. 

Have some non preferred activities prepared for during the day or earning time. Non preferred activities can be used for behavior replacement also. Non preferred rewards or the ones lower on the Favorite things to do or have list will replace the preferred ones that you no longer use all day long.

This chart is for home use only and it is key to have one enforcer/organizer of the chart with the rest of the family supporting his/or her decisions. This chart should be between the main caretaker and the child. Schools should have their own system in place and a school with a behaviorist on staff is always a plus. The purpose is that if you make the changes in behavior at home they will translate over to school and the rest of daily life.I always say "If they are doing it a home, you know they are doing it at school." 
Use common sense make sure your child doesn't have any untreated skin conditions that may be causing them to pick or that the behavioral symptom is not caused by never having any down time or enough sleep. This is not easy and behaviors that have gone on for years are hard to change. It is worth it, more important your child is worth it. Your family will thank you, the world will thank you and eventually your child will understand and thank you! A happy thriving child is the best reward a parent can have.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Present Level Of Performance

Present Level Of Performance Components
Curriculum & Instruction: How does the child learn? What can he/she do? Academics such as math,reading,writing,level of support needed....
Examples: Completes a 5 piece inset puzzle, counts to 100, can identify sets of objects up to 9, follows a visual schedule, calculates single digits to sums of 20, reads a chapter book on grade level, uses the computer for written work.
1) What the student is currently able to do/strengths:
Based on....
2) Effects of the disability on progress and involvement in the general curriculum:
Effects of the disability are....
3) Priority educational needs to be addressed in Education plan:
Priority educational needs are....
PLP-Priority Educational Need lead to Annual Goals which are mastered by having short term objectives. Priority educational needs are the basis for the measurable annual goals.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Inner Imaging Instruction LLC Academic therapy for learning differences

Introduction to the LindaMood-Bell Learning Process

by Melissa Boodaghian

Purpose: To inform parents of children with learning differences of an intervention that can improve reading, spelling, comprehension and math skills in children and adults.



I.              An article in the American educational research association journal states that “The Lindamood-Bell® programs were shown to be a major contributing factor for the districts success in improving the reading and comprehension abilities of their students.”

A.    An average of 5 title 1 schools saw a gain on the Colorado State Reading assessment using the Seeing Stars® and V/V programs®.(Sanoski,Willson,2006)

B.    Patricia Lindamood writes in the forward of the Visualizing and Verbalizing® manual “Educators have assumed a base of function which does not exist for many individuals until it is directly stimulated and developed” (Bell,1986,2007)

     C.   The Visualizing and Verbalizing® program saved my own child’s academic life.

     D.   I have worked in the past for the learning center Lindamood-bell® of Weston and was trained in all of the programs in 2008.

     E.   I still practice the method today mostly with children whom have been diagnosed learning disabled.



II.             Out of the five different programs offered by the company I have found the reading and spelling program “Seeing Stars®” to be the most in demand.

A.    It quickly generates symbol imagery through quick and easy tasks.

B.    Reading, spelling and rules are introduced only after consonants, complex vowels, and blends are solid.

C.    Air writing allows students to manipulate letters in their minds.


III.            Visualizing and verbalizing® is the second most requested program.

A.     Reading comprehension is the focus of this program.

B.    The program is designed to build concept imagery.

C.    Structure words are introduced to aid in imagery of first a single known noun, a full sentence, a few sentences, a paragraph, multiple paragraphs and to finally full page


IV.           The third most requested program is “On Cloud Nine®” math.

A.    The program is designed to create numeral imagery.

B.    It builds from a concrete number line to an imaged one.

C.    A solid foundation is created from addition through fractions.



V.            Studies show that using the LindaMood-Bell® programs can increase scores in reading and reading comprehension.

A.    This method of learning was recommended to me by my own child’s pediatrician.

B.    Title 1 status schools in Colorado saw an increase in reading scores using the method.

C.    One reason the program works so well is that it does not move forward until basic skills are mastered.

D.    Giving the method a try can make a positive impact on ones academic life.





Bell,Nanci. Visualizing and Verbalizing® for language comprehension and thinking. California:Gander Publishing, 1986,2007

Mark Sadoski and Victor L. Willson "Effects of a theoretically Based Large-Scale Reading Intervention in a Multicultural Urban School District." American Educational Research Journal vol. 43 no. 1 (2006):137-154

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Anything that starts with A is a bad word

The two most pivotal life changing moments in my life have all happened after I heard a word that started with the letter "A". Your daughter has "Autism" and your father in law has "Alzheimer's". I am more comfortable at this stage in my life with Autism because after brief denial I took charge by immersing myself in all aspects of it. Alzheimer's is proving to be way more challenging due to the denial of the family member diagnosed. I always thought of this person as the President of my life. Unfortunately, he has chosen to be no Ronald Regan. Ronald Regan did the right thing.Instead he has chosen to go into hiding and not get proper treatment with assistance from his long time girlfriend whom has proven to have her own agenda. When Regan was first diagnosed he accepted his diagnosis, realized the consequences that were to come and in order to protect his family he legally made his wishes known so they could not be influenced by anyone in the future. Regan dealt with his disease with dignity, courage, and selflessness and completed it by writing one of the most touching letters I have ever read in my entire life. I thank god I had the wits not to stay in denial about my child's diagnosis and therefore was open to be able to obtain the therapy she needed. It doesn't matter what diagnosis you receive, if you never move on from the denial stage you hurt not only yourself but most importantly your family and the people you may come in contact with just living daily life. By ignoring any diagnosis you are being irresponsible and reckless while also choosing not to get the therapy that could better your life and make the lives of people around you easier, to me this is the ultimate selfish act. The matriarch of our family and the main support for "G's" therapy has abandoned his family after 20 years of love and commitment . My father in law looks like himself but inside he is an alien and his decisions go against a belief system he has had his entire life. I am forever grateful for the years of love and support he provided when he was his true self. G.H.B was the most intelligent loving person I have ever known and I am so angry and hurt. So another "A" word has affected our lives in such a profound way. Life moves forward as long as your heart beats, as wounded as it may be. From out of the ashes comes the positive, as with everything in life there is a trade off. With something lost there is something gained. I started my own business this year not intentionally but due to the need of another mom in a similar situation seeking the same academic therapy intervention that saved my own. Inner Imaging Instruction LLC was born. I am looking forward to assisting children with learning differences in North Eastern Pennsylvania soon. Everyone with a child with learning differences is looking for the best results. it is up to you to move on from denial of anyones diagnosis in order to get the help they need. It doesn't matter what diagnosis you receive, if you never move on from the denial stage you hurt not only yourself but most importantly your family and the people you may come in contact with just living daily life. By ignoring any diagnosis you are being irresponsible and reckless while also choosing not to get the therapy that could better your life and make the lives of people you will come in contact with in life safe. You can get the best results for any diagnosis by looking for the warning signs and abnormal behavior is a huge warning sign that you must take action for that person. You can get the the results for your unique child ONLY if you live, eat ,breath and sleep their diagnosis. Reading for pleasure, e-mailing your friends, chatting on the phone, playing a video game, and watching T.V. is OVER! It is a full time job, educating and advocating for your child. I have zero guilt due to every waking moment being spent on "G's" progress.Find your child's PLP(present level of performance), set measurable goals, and monitor mastery of goals. Best outcomes come from not giving into their strange behaviors yet changing them to fit the norm. The goal is self regulation and it starts with changing any behavior that keeps them from achieving academically and socially. I have dealt with and conquered the oddest behaviors. My child's crib looked like a beaver chewed it down which transformed to chewing her hands and feet until medical attention was soon to come. Please, observe your child at school! If you are not aware you cannot change it. My child had a form of self stimulation that needed to be corrected ASAP. There is no substitute for an observation while the child is in the midst of a normal school day and they are unaware you are watching. There are things the school has trouble putting into words without offending you. Knowing and being able to face the truth head on "Priceless". Ticks and impulse control are just many things she has overcome with years on a behavior modification chart. A behavior modification chart is only as good as the parent enforcing it. YES, you must be the bad guy daily until it clicks and yes it takes years. Giving your child with a learning difference or anyone with a disability a free pass is the WORST thing you can do. The best shot at giving them an acceptable standard of living is to provide the tools to change behaviors that interfere with learning into ones that can be an asset and socially acceptable to society as a whole and this is only achieved by not lowering the bar but raising it. You must determine how much is behavior and how much is actual disability. When some of the behaviors start to subside it will leave you with a clearer picture of what you are dealing with academically. Anyone who has advice on dealing with Alzheimer's please contact me, my "G' has no idea why her grandfather has abandoned her. G.H.B was her only extended family member in Florida.  I will dedicate this post of Ronald Regan's letter to America regarding Alzheimer's in memory of the greatest man I ever knew my husbands father also known as G.H.B. I love You!

I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. Upon learning this news, Nancy and I had to decide whether as private citizens we would keep this a private matter or whether we would make this news known in a public way. In the past, Nancy suffered from breast cancer and I had my cancer surgeries. We found through our open disclosures we were able to raise public awareness. We were happy that as a result many more people underwent testing. They were treated in early stages and we were able to return to normal, healthy lives. So now, we feel it is important to share it with you. In opening our hearts, we hope this might promote greater awareness of this condition. Perhaps it will encourage a clearer understanding of the individuals and families who are affected by it. At the moment I feel just fine. I intend to live the remainder of the years God gives me on this earth doing the things I have always done. I will continue to share life's journey with my beloved Nancy and my family. I plan to enjoy the great outdoors and stay in touch with my friends and supporters. Unfortunately, as Alzheimer's disease progresses, the family often bears a heavy burden. I only wish there was some way I could spare Nancy from this painful experience. When the time comes, I am confident that with your help she will face it with faith and courage. In closing let me thank you, the American people, for giving me the great honor of allowing me to serve as your president. When the Lord calls me home, whenever that may be, I will leave with the greatest love for this country of ours and eternal optimism for its future. I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life. I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead. Thank you, my friends. May God always bless you. Sincerely, Ronald Reagan