Friday, September 2, 2011

Diagnosis Day Denial

Hearing things you don't want to hear? Becoming a member of a club you didn't want to join? As a first time stay at home Mom I recall looking out my front window thinking there must be life out there somewhere. Be careful what you wish for. My well meaning thought was just to join a local chapter of MOMS offering Moms support but life had way more than that in store for my child and myself.

I highly recommend support groups for both stay at home Mom's and working Mothers. The benefits are huge when you have an infant to pre-schooler. I now find myself wishing they had them for Moms with older kid's. Today even the best information I receive is from other Mothers. So now I am founder and president of a new Mommy support group and "G" (that's what we will call my daughter) and I are participating weekly with a group of over 30 women and kids in playgroups, activities, and events. I have always been a very intuitive person and as the days turned into years there where little signs and signals that all was not well with my child.
  • Preferred to play alone even in a room full of children
  • T.V. was her #1 priority
  • She lined up her toys (not playing with them appropriately)
  • Violent tantrums and self injurious behaviors (head banging)
  • Arm flapping/stemming
  • Milestones such as speech and walking always 4 to 6 months behind

At "G's" two year old well visit the Doc recommends we see a speech therapist so O.K. sucks but alright if it will help we shall go. I am forever grateful to Dr. Morrison today but I did not always feel this way. After a while in speech therapy I remember feeling put out and angry that my child required this extra step and going to get a second opinion. What they don't tell you is that speech therapy is only the beginning of what will become your new full time job.

The time between "G" being  2 and a half  to 3 years of age was a foggy time for me mentally and I can still feel the pain as if it were yesterday. Denial  or wishful thinking whatever you want to call it but the day I was called into the principals office at a local religious private pre-school and was told my child was no longer welcome to attend school there due to behaviors such as eating carpet and sand something snapped and I knew I had to face reality. At the time I thought well I guess we are not all gods children since that is what most religious schools preach but my real problem with the school is they couldn't tell you where to turn for help. I hope GD still has the phone # I went back and provided them to Children's diagnostic and treatment center's early intervention program through Broward county other Mom's are not left in the same position as figure it out on your own. I just feel anyone who is an early education provider should be able to provide parents with where and how to receive help.  The irony here is the best pre-school in Broward county for Autism is located right next door to the school she was kicked out of but you need to be diagnosed through the county first in order to attend the Baudhuin Pre-school. Yes, still in denial "Hello", we took "G" to see an independent psychologist whom told us we better go through the county because If you have it diagnosed with me it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg.

The universe works in mysterious ways and we are all living. loving, and learning. I believe it will be the human experience(that is what we learn from each other) that will always be the most meaningful. That MOMS club I joined came back to me with a Devinne intervention and wake up call when a friend and mentor of mine from the club said to me "whats wrong with you, she has autism, I know because mine was just diagnosed and is getting fabulous treatment and care so go make an appointment with the county!". My husband carries a screaming, headbanging,inconsolable "G" into an assessment room and as a testament to how bad things had become in our house due to the monster she had become  "G" managed to spit out some single word utterances that weren't so sweet. I believe in Earth angels and Stephanie M. Kondy Ed.D. is one. That day she told us our child met the requirement for eligibility for ESE(Exceptional Student Education) under the diagnosis of Autism and when the denial ceased , relief and fear flooded  me and the real work began. In our area I believe the county to be the best provider(a one stop shop) for help, information, and services for early intervention in Autism.
They were my saviors in her early years by providing myself and my child an appropriate education and the best thing I have done to date for "G" is to have taken full advantage of what they had to offer. As you will hear later my relationship with the county is one of love and hate.

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