Thursday, September 29, 2011

Academic Percentiles It's All About The Numbers

Know your child's testing score numbers because this will determine if they stay on level and meet sunshine state standards.With Autism time is not on your side. Once diagnosed and you have the eligibility of Autism,The basis for receiving services in the public school system is all about the testing percentiles and you will need to pay close attention to these numbers whether you remain in the public school system or not. The county will test usually before an annual IEP(Individual Educational Plan) or you can do a written request for them to test (you better provide quality proof for the need of one). You must always have your own  independent academic testing. Below is a line you will live by for the rest of your child's  academic life.


  Weakness                                                 Average                                      Strength                                                                            
1                         25th                                           50th                                         75th
Special Services

So, if your child tests in the 1 to 25th percentile they are in need of special services and you have the right to advocate for them if the county is not providing the F.A.P.E (Free appropriate public education) that is academically necessary in order for your child to make meaningful progress. You want your child to be 50 % or above to be stable in an area and 75% or above means a strength or aptitude in the area. We have been to many "learning centers" in the area and I believe my child received something from all of them. I can tell you the lower your child's score in testing the more intense (meaning frequency and time) the academic intervention/therapy must be in order to see gains in the short amount of time you may have, this is why you must start early. "G" had a private academic tutor at four years old.

After the wonderful two years at Baudhuin just when you are starting to feel safe, secure, and are feeling great because you both have worked hard to make tremendous gains, it is time to transition to the real world called kindergarten This is where all those classes you took on the law , IEP's, letter writing, and inclusion are really going to pay off. You must know where your child stands because autism is a spectrum that can range from mild to severe but on the tour of your new school  they show you only an autism cluster  without showing you an "average" classroom(I hope this has changed to include talk of inclusion,supported classroom and where your child may fall on the spectrum). The rooms I saw were mostly gray with no pictures.One of the most outstanding features in the room was a T.V. that clung to the wall. I saw that money plays a huge factor, heard horror stories  from advocates of some clusters in the county being held in broom closets. For the most I think the county does the best with what they have but it is inevitably up to you to know the rules and laws so you can call them on their end of the bargain. the county will teach you from the beginning so be smart enough to learn the lingo ,the system,and the laws/ procedures because in most cases than not in some way or at some point you are going to have to use it.

I have come to learn over the years while advocating for my child that when  I butt heads or have a disagreement with an administrator, teacher, or professional in the field that their is something important that I am to learn from that person. So I didn't get along with the behaviorist yet what I learned from her was pivotal in "G's" recovery. My child is 10 now and this is still happening in fact just this year  I learned through butting heads with a teacher about the con's of differentiated instruction for a child on the spectrum.This is where placement in a class is based on academic testing alone and things like timing, organization, or oral comprehension scores are not even considered. My "G" is no longer in the public school system and now can be placed in an accelerated class according to academics but will fail it due to other skills being lower in percentile, so when they call it a puzzle it's extremely fitting and not just because of whats causing autism. These are some of the academic interventions we have used in the area

MSI offers Tutorial Program for Children in Grades K-5 | NSU News Center (super kid's good results)

Sylvan learning centers (least results)

Summer reading program advertised in the Public school office( zero results)

Lindamood-Bell® Learning Centers | Weston, FL (The most intensive educational therapy you will find in Broward county.) This center will provide you quality independent testing yearly at no additional charge. Our Doctor recommended it and we saw the most all around improvement out of all other academic interventions.

Educational & Diagnostic Services (EDS also recommended by her pediatrician) good testing, learned a new method of learning touch math, professional.

Boca Raton Brain Training Learning RX is brain training similar to the arrowsmith method.Executive, visual, and auditory processing speed remains the hardest things to make progress on. We did not see the results of Lindamood-Bell but we did see gains. Testing was good. Perhaps with more intensity our results would have been different. You buy the program it will be done at the center and they will teach you to do it.  Used them for years with excellent results Ramon Serrano (director) will work with you to find the perfect tutor.

C2 Education (not very intensive or understanding of special needs).

Kumon of Davie | Unlock Your Child’s True Potential Good for kid's in lower grades with not alot of homework. The director in Davie would not write us a letter of progress for an upcoming IEP meeting that we had to attend, so we left. The best social skills classes we have found. This is the higher level thinking skills they need for real world success. Both teachers are SPL'S!

After-school, weekend and summer camp | math classes and computer classes in FL, NC, CT and MO IMAC'S Institute for mathematics and computer science. "G" loved the computer classes and the summer camp was good. The actual program done during the school year has no pre or after testing so progress is not measured and we found it to be logic puzzle's which seemed to get less results than the brain training of learning RX.  One on one instruction is not offered here and the classes can be large. This place use to advertise to advanced children only. Again we did summer camp(5x a week but they dont do the math program in summer) and one session(meeting once a week) the frequency and intensity of a Lindamood -Bell  was just not there.  Handwriting without tears, google search to find a teacher in your area. Ours was done by  an extraordinary occupational therapist named laura Holmes who is trained in the program and works out of:,_Inc./Welcome.html We saw results in overall writing ability along with better and more confident use of her hands.

Specialized Speech Center, Inc.3335 North University Drive, Suite 5
Hollywood, Florida 33024
I searched out this program after her third grade teacher mentioned her handwriting needed work. "G" always had weakness in her hand's and wrist. Look for trouble opening up doors, doing buttons, tying shoes and zipping zippers especially after you know that they  have the skill but still just dont seem to have full strength in hands to do the job right. A good social skills class when they are young. I did not see the higher level social skills I was looking for being taught here. We love neurofeedback and Rick Harris is awesome!
"G" went here for attention,certain behaviors, and anxiety. I believe this therapy helped her coping skills alot. I love this manual. If you are having trouble with the times tables the Lindamood Bell visualizing and verbalizing program is the perfect compliment to this book.

As you might have guessed from the list above we could have bought a house or a college education with all the money we have spent thus far on educational therapy and the answer is yes the one we saw the most results from cost the most money but in return it continues to help still today. The public  school testing will look different not in percentiles so look for the Less Than sign like in math say for a DAR reading comprehension score, or a - negative sign in front of  understanding oral directions. Ignorance of testing scores is deadly and toxic to your child's academic future, so simply speak up and ask. To me academic testing scores should be the first thing discussed at an IEP because that determines whats academically necessary as far as services(speech,ot,accommodations,modifications). If you don't know you cant change it, this is where sometimes bad news is a blessing because time is not on your side, so the sooner you know the score the sooner you can find the appropriate academic intervention. These are only the academic interventions we have been through not including speech, OT, and of course the unconventional.. Next chapter will be "Our Story" and then you will truly understand why the numbers are so important.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


The universe works in mysterious ways and the good lord puts you right where you need to be.Out of all the places in the county we could have moved we just happened to move close to the Baudhuin pre-school before we even had a child. The Baudhuin Pre-school in my opinion is this fabulous marriage between Nova University and Broward county. The resources, encouragement, information, and commitment to excellence there is phenomenal. One thing I was determined not to do was waste this blessing by remaining in denial in anyway so I embraced this opportunity and what it gave me in return was priceless. Please, if you are lucky enough to get your child in this school go to all the classes  and follow their advice they have for parents. It is alot of work but nothing good and worth while ever comes easy and it will determine an optimal outcome for your child in the future. I saw so many that still remained in denial "Oh I don't need the classes, they are coming out with a new supplement"or " I am just to busy" ect. Such wasted wasted precious time, but as with anything it only works if you work it.

Information immersion and putting what I had learned into practice. I have heard alot of parents at this age say well he knows his ABC's , she writes her name, and knows all the flash cards in the box. "G" could actually read in pre-school. I had to learn to stop defending and being defensive and focus on what was holding her back from being "normal". Looking back on it now being diagnosed just meant someone telling me we had some catch up to do. Dr. Manny Gonzalez-Abreu is another earth angel. Dr. Manny is now the associate director of the Baudhuin pre-school and he taught me much of what I know today. His Guidance showed me how to obtain the results we were looking for in "G". Here are just some of the classes I was able to take for free thanks to the county:
  • Etiology and diagnosis of Autism
  • Potty training and the special needs child
  • Legal issues regarding least restrictive environment
  • Social skills and the child with autism
  • Inclusion making it work part two
  • Understanding challenging behaviors in children diagnosed with Autism
  • Financial planning for special needs individuals
  • IDEA 2004 & least restrictive environment
  • Quality IEP's
  • How to use PECS(Picture exchange communication system)
  • Educational learning strategies for disabilities
So you can see pre-school with a child newly diagnosed is time for the parent to go back to school. If I had to pick one person whom made the most impact on me and I am so glad she did it would have to be a behaviorist (free to me, Thank you Broward county). Victoria Sanchez ,was a women I loved to hate because she had the best advice and tools that I still use today but told me stuff I needed to hear but didn't necessarily want to hear about my child. Mrs. Sanchez thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was told flat out "If you don't get a handle on this behavior now, you can imagine what you will be dealing with when she is older" and with that she introduced me to the cost/economy/token reward system and my child's behavior started to change within a few weeks. I still use a version of this today. I learned that you must have behavior first then you can learn. I see so many parents who don't put behavior first and then expect their kid's to be welcomed with open arms in an educational program. Behaviors are not all normal stuff you might think of like using your inside voice but stemming and other behaviors can also be changed through the reward system. Any behaviors you can change to help your child blend in is key and can be done through behavior modification.The only key to this system is knowing what your child likes and being consistant.

    Friday, September 2, 2011

    Diagnosis Day Denial

    Hearing things you don't want to hear? Becoming a member of a club you didn't want to join? As a first time stay at home Mom I recall looking out my front window thinking there must be life out there somewhere. Be careful what you wish for. My well meaning thought was just to join a local chapter of MOMS offering Moms support but life had way more than that in store for my child and myself.

    I highly recommend support groups for both stay at home Mom's and working Mothers. The benefits are huge when you have an infant to pre-schooler. I now find myself wishing they had them for Moms with older kid's. Today even the best information I receive is from other Mothers. So now I am founder and president of a new Mommy support group and "G" (that's what we will call my daughter) and I are participating weekly with a group of over 30 women and kids in playgroups, activities, and events. I have always been a very intuitive person and as the days turned into years there where little signs and signals that all was not well with my child.
    • Preferred to play alone even in a room full of children
    • T.V. was her #1 priority
    • She lined up her toys (not playing with them appropriately)
    • Violent tantrums and self injurious behaviors (head banging)
    • Arm flapping/stemming
    • Milestones such as speech and walking always 4 to 6 months behind

    At "G's" two year old well visit the Doc recommends we see a speech therapist so O.K. sucks but alright if it will help we shall go. I am forever grateful to Dr. Morrison today but I did not always feel this way. After a while in speech therapy I remember feeling put out and angry that my child required this extra step and going to get a second opinion. What they don't tell you is that speech therapy is only the beginning of what will become your new full time job.

    The time between "G" being  2 and a half  to 3 years of age was a foggy time for me mentally and I can still feel the pain as if it were yesterday. Denial  or wishful thinking whatever you want to call it but the day I was called into the principals office at a local religious private pre-school and was told my child was no longer welcome to attend school there due to behaviors such as eating carpet and sand something snapped and I knew I had to face reality. At the time I thought well I guess we are not all gods children since that is what most religious schools preach but my real problem with the school is they couldn't tell you where to turn for help. I hope GD still has the phone # I went back and provided them to Children's diagnostic and treatment center's early intervention program through Broward county other Mom's are not left in the same position as figure it out on your own. I just feel anyone who is an early education provider should be able to provide parents with where and how to receive help.  The irony here is the best pre-school in Broward county for Autism is located right next door to the school she was kicked out of but you need to be diagnosed through the county first in order to attend the Baudhuin Pre-school. Yes, still in denial "Hello", we took "G" to see an independent psychologist whom told us we better go through the county because If you have it diagnosed with me it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg.

    The universe works in mysterious ways and we are all living. loving, and learning. I believe it will be the human experience(that is what we learn from each other) that will always be the most meaningful. That MOMS club I joined came back to me with a Devinne intervention and wake up call when a friend and mentor of mine from the club said to me "whats wrong with you, she has autism, I know because mine was just diagnosed and is getting fabulous treatment and care so go make an appointment with the county!". My husband carries a screaming, headbanging,inconsolable "G" into an assessment room and as a testament to how bad things had become in our house due to the monster she had become  "G" managed to spit out some single word utterances that weren't so sweet. I believe in Earth angels and Stephanie M. Kondy Ed.D. is one. That day she told us our child met the requirement for eligibility for ESE(Exceptional Student Education) under the diagnosis of Autism and when the denial ceased , relief and fear flooded  me and the real work began. In our area I believe the county to be the best provider(a one stop shop) for help, information, and services for early intervention in Autism.
    They were my saviors in her early years by providing myself and my child an appropriate education and the best thing I have done to date for "G" is to have taken full advantage of what they had to offer. As you will hear later my relationship with the county is one of love and hate.