Written Request
I am writing in reference to ESE student ******* ********** in Ms. *******'* class at *** ***** elementary. My child's IEP meeting on May 8th at 7:30 a.m. left her placement for next year up in the air with you stating that "*** ***** did not know if a first grade with support would be available. In order for our daughter to make meaningful progress next year, it is appropriate and academically necessary that the county provide a general education first grade with support for our daughter, meaning a general education teacher with a full time aid in the class during academics. It is educationally necessary for ******* to be in a first grade with support because her ability to achieve academically is at this point greatly reduced without it. Please give a written response as to what ******* **********'s placement will be in the 2007/2008 school year.
Dear LEA Rep,
Early Release Request
I am the parent of ******* **********, age six, who is a student in ** ******'s first grade class at *** ***** elementary. I have reason to believe that my child has special needs that cannot be completely met by the accommodations the school is providing. Our pediatrician is recommending she attend the Lindamood-Bell learning center as part of her daily therapy(see prescription). In order for her to make meaningful progress in academics we are requesting early release Monday thru Friday between 12:30 and 12:45.
March. 9, 2007
Mrs B. B.
Michael Morris
Director Jacarenda pre-school
Dear Mr. Morris,
I am writing in reference to ******* ********** in Ms Millers class. My concern is that her progress this year was cut short in the first semester due to me not being properly informed that behavior was keeping her from meeting IEP goals. I was only made aware of the situation after I initiated communication with the teacher in December 2007 as to why she was not meeting simple goals I had no doubt she was more than capable of. I would have definitely met with the behavior analyst in the beginning of the year if I had any clue her progress was being jeopardized, I am requesting a copy of all records Jacarenda pre-school has on file for my daughter including home and teacher notes, meaning not to exclude anything. Thank you for your attention to this matter, please contact me if I can be of any help in collecting her records.
Dear Ms Lea Rep,
This e-mail is being written in response to our interim on 9/20/08. I am requesting that the following information below be provided by the school in writing.
1) Please provide me a schedule of my child's day(including ESE pullouts)
2)Can you show me the research studies that show this intervention works for students like my child(such as sentence starters)/?
3) Can I observe to see how the intervention is delivered? Can I learn how to do it also, to support the teacher?
4) Can I review the materials associated with the intervention?
5) Can you show me any data that shows that any student of this teacher last year closed the achievement gap using this intervention?
6) How often will "g's" progress be monitored and can I gain access to the data collection that shows she is benefiting from the intervention?
7) What is your plan for changing the intensity, frequency, teacher training, size of class and/or methodology if my child does not make gap closing achievement in six weeks?
8) If "G" masters the goal more quickly than anticipated , will you adjust them upward at least every six weeks?
9) What pull outs for services can be done before or after school?
A comparison of her expected and actual rate of learning should be considered by the "TEAM" before more time in general education is recommended. I want nothing more than for "g" to be independent in general education and meeting sunshine state standards. I need more proof that she is ready to take that step to independence of more time in general Ed. I will sign and return the release of information form to you from her educational supplementary outside provider. They can provide great insight into the strengths and weakness areas of my child. According to outside documentation I believe she has mastered her math goal. I was left with the feeling that I was calling an interim for no good reason by your autism coach(who's name is not on my draft but present at the interim). Her inappropriate comments such as"if its not broke don't fix it" and "I'll be honest with you, they had to point out which one she was because I couldn't tell" only cause me to have to spend vital outside therapy money on advocates.
Thank you for your time and attention,
March. 9, 2007
Mrs B. B.
Michael Morris
Director Jacarenda pre-school
Dear Mr. Morris,
I am writing in reference to ******* ********** in Ms Millers class. My concern is that her progress this year was cut short in the first semester due to me not being properly informed that behavior was keeping her from meeting IEP goals. I was only made aware of the situation after I initiated communication with the teacher in December 2007 as to why she was not meeting simple goals I had no doubt she was more than capable of. I would have definitely met with the behavior analyst in the beginning of the year if I had any clue her progress was being jeopardized, I am requesting a copy of all records Jacarenda pre-school has on file for my daughter including home and teacher notes, meaning not to exclude anything. Thank you for your attention to this matter, please contact me if I can be of any help in collecting her records.
Dear Ms Lea Rep,
This e-mail is being written in response to our interim on 9/20/08. I am requesting that the following information below be provided by the school in writing.
1) Please provide me a schedule of my child's day(including ESE pullouts)
2)Can you show me the research studies that show this intervention works for students like my child(such as sentence starters)/?
3) Can I observe to see how the intervention is delivered? Can I learn how to do it also, to support the teacher?
4) Can I review the materials associated with the intervention?
5) Can you show me any data that shows that any student of this teacher last year closed the achievement gap using this intervention?
6) How often will "g's" progress be monitored and can I gain access to the data collection that shows she is benefiting from the intervention?
7) What is your plan for changing the intensity, frequency, teacher training, size of class and/or methodology if my child does not make gap closing achievement in six weeks?
8) If "G" masters the goal more quickly than anticipated , will you adjust them upward at least every six weeks?
9) What pull outs for services can be done before or after school?
A comparison of her expected and actual rate of learning should be considered by the "TEAM" before more time in general education is recommended. I want nothing more than for "g" to be independent in general education and meeting sunshine state standards. I need more proof that she is ready to take that step to independence of more time in general Ed. I will sign and return the release of information form to you from her educational supplementary outside provider. They can provide great insight into the strengths and weakness areas of my child. According to outside documentation I believe she has mastered her math goal. I was left with the feeling that I was calling an interim for no good reason by your autism coach(who's name is not on my draft but present at the interim). Her inappropriate comments such as"if its not broke don't fix it" and "I'll be honest with you, they had to point out which one she was because I couldn't tell" only cause me to have to spend vital outside therapy money on advocates.
Thank you for your time and attention,